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Safebox24 - summary of 2020 and further development of the brand

Bartłomiej Dmitruk

Thank you :)

We have been with you for over a year. Safebox24 is a traditional service with a modern twist. We prepare our facilities with great care, attention to safety, discretion as well as professionalism and quality of services provided. We build each vault from scratch in the latest technologies, we subject it to certification and ultimately the assessment of our clients. We would like to thank all the customers who trusted us at the beginning of our activity and use the vault in Warsaw!

Construction of the first Safebox24 facility

We built the first vault facility in 2019 to provide a modern safe deposit boxes service from the beginning of 2020. And it worked. In fact we prepared ourselves very well for it. We built the facility at 49A Koszykowa Street in Warsaw from scratch. Thanks to the developer's favor, diligence of the project, diligence of contractors and excellent quality of workmanship, finally confirmed by the certification of the Institute of Precision Mechanics, we have launched the first modern, autonomous vault in Poland. It was one of the few vaults built in Poland in recent years, and certainly the only one with such a purpose.

Opening the vault and the first customers

The opening of the facility aroused a lot of interest. As the first private vault and safe deposit boxes operator in Warsaw, we had a lot of inquiries about our service, that originally comes from the banking sector. A safe deposit box for most customers has so far been associated as a bank service. Customers asked and asked many questions about the security of the facility, the safety of deposited items, rules of operation or insurance, compared to bank vaults. Any doubts of customers are dispelled by a visit to the facility - transparent rules of cooperation and the quality of the service offered cannot be compared to the service offered by banks. Thanks to the well prepared offer, we were able to invite many private clients and companies to start cooperation with us.

The coronavirus pandemic

The pandemic has verified many of our private and business plans. It was the time of a great test for the Safebox24 vault - it turned out that our facility proved to be excellent, and many customers understood that access to their safe deposit box is crucial in times of crisis, such as the March lockdown in Warsaw and throughout Poland. The availability of the vault 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and the lack of the need to contact the facility staff after signing the contract were the key factors that convinced our clients to rent a safe deposit box in our vault. It turned out that bank vaults, and even other private operators, limited the availability of vaults and real access to safe deposit boxes. In case of many banks in Poland, customers waited several weeks for access to their safe deposit boxes, because many of the bank's branches were simply closed in the pandemic.

Reliability and safety above all

Our treasury has been operating flawlessly throughout the year and we will be available for you 24/7 in the event of another lockdown or other emergency. The reliability of the technologies used, such as biometrics or automation as well as the facility's autonomy, have gained the trust of many customers. The applied solutions allow for a significant increase in the level of security, eliminate human errors and allow for constant monitoring of all events for each safe deposit box and the entire facility.

Investors, NCBR and further development

2020 was also intense for us in terms of planning the further development of the company. We have invited two institutional investors to the project - VALUE FIZ and INVENTO CAPITAL funds. The funds, along with the co-financing obtained from the National Center for Research and Development, provided us with the funds necessary to implement further vault and deposit facilities in Poland and to conduct research and development work on the automation of safe deposit box solutions. Thanks to the funds raised, we will soon open new facilities in selected cities in Poland.

Below we publish the latest video presenting the Safebox24 treasury in Warsaw and our services. Enjoy watching!


Safebox24 Bezpieczne skrytki depozytowe
rzetelna firma

Phone + 48 22 122 52 35

Mobile + 48 539 306 116

49 A Koszykowa Street, 00-659 Warsaw


16 St. Sebastian Street, 33-332 Cracow

5 Kowalska Street, 20-115 Lublin

43A Śląska Street, 70-431 Szczecin

52 Krakowska Street 50-425 Wrocław


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